Do you remember Sock Monkeys from the 60's?
My aunts and grandmother thought is was the funnest thing to take a good pair of socks and make a monkey out of it.
Well fast forward a few years and they're back. and going strong.
Why all the fuss? -- One of the Doctors I work with is having her first baby (it's a boy) and she's decorating the nursery in -- you guessed it sock monkeys. ;o}
So I went out and did a google to look for a kit and found one @

Then I found the monkey fabric -- and I think I went over board and bought too much because I had a hard time deciding what to do with all of it. I think I decided on 4 different patterns before I came up with this...

I made two blocks -- a nine patch and a snowball.

I hope she likes it.....
Hope you have a great day. :o}
My daughter is going to do their nursery in the sock monkey theme too. I am going to make a sock monkey for her and was thinking about doing the quilt in the same theme. I need to go online and find my fabric before it is all sold out. Yours looks so cute. Isn't it amazing how they have made a resurgence?
She'll love it Regina! It's adorable!
Very cute! My grandson loves Curious George, I guess there is something about monkeys.
That is awesome!! I'm going to have to do this for my boys!!! (The sock monkey) They LOVE these!!! :) Thanks for the website. :)
It's so cute!!!!
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