
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tree Skirt

I have been looking for the last several years for a tree skirt -- just couldn't find one that worked for me. Until last year, I went for a visit over to Jeri's house. She always has her house decorated so cute, and she always has a project ready to show us when ever we visit. Well last Christmas Jeri made a tree skirt and it was so cute. I thought I need to be on the look out for that pattern. Well fast forward to this Christmas and I still haven't found a pattern, so I asked Jeri if I could barrow hers and well this is my version of the tree skirt.

This is a Scandinavian Traditions pattern called Hearts and Pines.

There are 4 heart and 4 pine blocks and then a La Moyne star in the center.

This is Tyler's favorite spot at Christmas time.

Hope you have a great day. :o}



Barb said...

That is just adorable!!!!

Needled Mom said...

It is absolutely gorgeous!!! I need to make a new one for my tree one of these days too.

Rachel said...

Oooh Regena, it's beautiful! Tyler looks a little too comfy under the tree. What's he going to do when the presents are put there?

Alice said...

So very cute--and Tyler too!
I have a pattern to get done hopefully by next Christmas???

Jeri said...

It turned out great! You have such talent!